Pacific Life: Protecting Tomorrows for a Life Well Lived, a new animated, story-driven video produced by Pacific Life’s Institutional Business team, spotlights the challenges confronting retirement plan sponsors and participants, and the strength, stability, and solutions offered by Pacific Life to help participants enjoy financial security in retirement.
Top Takeaways :
- Retirement plan sponsors, administrators, and participants need support
- They face confusing regulations, complex products, and difficult choices
- Participants need help becoming retirement ready
- Pacific Life “gets it,” and we’re here to help
At Pacific Life, we know that retirement plan sponsors and administrators have a lot on their plates. With never-ending to-do lists, they’re expected to be “Jacks of all trades,” while simultaneously ensuring that plan participants are educated, enrolled, and supported. Navigating the retirement landscape, and helping participants make sound decisions can be an overwhelming responsibility.
Administrators and participants need all the help they can get. They need a partner who appreciates their situation and understands the challenges they face.
We Get it, and We’re Here to Help
“At Pacific Life, we’re committed to improving retirement outcomes for plan participants. We want to help them maximize their peace of mind in retirement, and minimize the fear of running out of money,” said Russ Proctor, Pacific Life’s assistant vice president and managing director of pensions. “Retirement planning isn’t easy for employees to do on their own, and it's not easy for plan sponsors to help them. We understand the challenges of planning for retirement, and we’re here to help make the process and decisions easier and clearer for plan sponsors and participants.”